Nowadays, the problem of erectile dysfunction is familiar not only to men over 40, but also to the rather young representatives of the stronger sex. As you know, men do not really like going to doctors, so they often seek salvation from this scourge in synthetic drugs, forgetting about natural ways to increase potency. Of course, synthetic agents have the main advantage - they act almost instantly. But not everything is as smooth as we would like, because drugs like Viagra have the other side of the coin in the form of a number of side effects. So maybe it's still worth trying to solve the "male tragedy" in a natural way?

Increasing potency in a natural way implies not only measures aimed at eliminating sexual impotence, but also the improvement of the body as a whole, the state of which is directly related to sexual function.
What are these activities? Let's find out
- The proper functioning of the whole organism largely depends on nutrition. Food should contain all the necessary nutrients for the male body, especially vitamins and minerals. For men's health, the most useful are: zinc, selenium, vitamins C, B and E, so try to fully include them in your daily diet.
- To increase power, a number of special exercises have been developed aimed at increasing blood circulation in the pelvic area and developing the genital muscles. Their implementation will not take long, and the effect will be noticeable after a week.
- Excess weight is the worst enemy of an erection. The excess pounds not only reduce testosterone, but also increase the amount of estrogen, the female sex hormones, which leads not only to impotence, but also to a deterioration of health in general. In addition, obesity leads to an increase in the bad cholesterol content in the blood, which causes blockage of blood vessels and, consequently, poor blood flow to the genitals. Therefore, it is so important to give up high-calorie nutrition and create a balanced diet.
- Nicotine has long been shown to be a killer of testosterone, the main hormone responsible for erection. Alcohol is no less involved in lowering this precious hormone. Giving up bad habits will quickly help you achieve significant success in the struggle for erection. It is not always easy to do this, but it is worth a little effort and the situation will radically change for the better.
- A sedentary lifestyle is not the best way for men's health. Statistics show that representatives of sedentary professions are more prone to erectile dysfunction than male individuals whose work activity is associated with physical activity. It follows that active physical activity, especially sport, can become a magical key to solving the problem of sexual impotence. But what about those who are forced to sit all day? There is an exit. Kegel exercise can save the day. The essence of the exercise is to train the pubic-coccygeal muscles. The advantage of him is that such training can be carried out without leaving the workplace.
- As you know, many problems arise in our heads. The psychological component is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction. There are frequent cases when there is a decrease in potency after a failed sexual intercourse and the fear of being defeated during amorous pleasures. One way or another, to improve the situation, you will have to get rid of such complexes. If you can't do it on your own, then you should seek the help of a sex therapist or psychotherapist.
- Stress, prolonged depression and anxiety have a very negative impact on health in general and on male sexual function in particular. Therefore, if possible, you should protect yourself from stressful and depressive conditions.
- Good sleep is the key not only to a good mood and well-being, but also to a good erection. Try to get enough sleep by sleeping at least 8 hours a day.
- Strengthening potency will help regular visits to the bathroom. Paired procedures perfectly improve blood flow, heal the whole body and, as a result, provide a good erection.
It is important to understand that the issue of increasing potency requires an integrated approach. In this case, the effectiveness of the treatment will be maximum. And remember that it is always better to prevent any problems and therefore you will not have to face the consequences.